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发表于 2018-9-30 11:18:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Is China really a backward country?

Quora评论翻译: 搬运:外网翻译
Arman Siani, Engineer, Entrepreneur, Traveler
No it isn’t.
Consider the following facts:
China is currently THE largest economy on the planet, with a GDP PPP at $23 trillion, as estimated by the IMF. On top of that, it is one of the fastest growing economy in the world. It has a decent GDP PPP per capits of $14k a year, easily placing it in the middle income category of nations.
Its armed forces is capable, and is rapidly modernizing. While obviously its military is not as advanced as the US or Russia, it has state of the art ICBMs, cyberwarfare weapons, anti satellite weapons and is rapidly developing other capabilities including next gen SSBN subs, Electromagnetic weapons and advanced laser weapons. It is also one of the world’s first nations to test an anti ship cruise missile.
China is the first nation in the world which has successfully developed and launched a quantum satellite, potentially giving it an edge over other nations.
China has some of the best port and rail facilities and has extensive road infrastructure. China’s high speed rail network is among the very best in the world.
China, according to some sources, is the top spender on robotics research. It is leading the way in automation, and may be well poised to lead the upcoming robotics revolution, which is seen by many as the biggest economic revolution since the Industrial Revolution 2 centuries ago.
China is the biggest manufacturer of Iron and Steel, producing more than 800MMT of steel a year, with its closest competitor producing only one eighth of that.
The above are just some of the amazing achievements the PRC has been able to achieve.
Of course China still faces plenty of problems. There are still large regions which are underdeveloped, with people living in poverty. Further, China has significant issues with regards to pollution, specifically, air and water pollution. Corruption is still big issue and the government is trying hard to stamp it out.
However, it should not distract from the fact that the nation has been able to transform itself form a poor backwater into a world superpower, lifting 600 million people out of poverty, all within a span of 3 decades. While it still has a long way to go, China can at most, be accurately classified as a developing nation and under no circumstances can it be called a “backward” country. There is a huge difference between those two classifications.
来源: /46135.html 译者:Jessica.Wu
Ray Comeau, A decade in China, interest in geopolitics
As a North American living in China for a number of years and having had the opportunity to travel to many parts of China plus to about 20 other countries; IMO there are parts of China that is as backward as most southern US states, Mexico, eastern European countries and a most of South Asia.
Other parts of China that is as backwards as Canada, most or north and mid-western US states, UK, Spain, Ireland, Italy, etc.
China has built a network of 20,000 kilometers of high speed rail with 1 billion riders p. a. This is followed by approx. 3,000 km by Spain, Germany and Japan. China currently operates the 3 fastest supercomputers, operates it’s own space station and GPS satellite system.
The society is very stable and streets are very safe even at night. But things are not perfect. There is still some poverty and petty crime and corruption is coming under control bit by bit etc.
The country has concerns …….. about its society facing moral decline. This is surely backward to the modern countries who are concerned about immigration, poverty, crime and terrorism etc.
It’s very hard to give a clear answer.
As you know China is the world’s second largest economy, they have more millionaires than any other country in the world, they may be the first humans on Mars in a few years, everyone’s taking foreign holidays, everyone has a smartphone.
But at times even living in a first tier city it can be very hard for someone used to western/developed countries. is real, there’s a genuine lack of class from many of the nouveau rich, a real culture of greed, a vulgar focus on money at the expense of all else (the most materialistic country in the world apparently), absolute endemic corruption and bribery, over two thirds (68%) of men smoke, people are incredibly selfish at times e.g. shouting on the subway, playing music loudly with no earphones, spitting, public urination, sometimes even on train platforms or inside trains, staring, lack of respect for privacy… are these cultural differences? Yes, of course. But to western eyes (and indeed many younger Chinese people) these are undeniably ‘backwards’. And as for the blatant copyright theft and food scare scandals…. they horrify me.
It’ll take a generation or two before some of these are ironed out, and some will never be in my opinion. The software hasn’t caught up with the hardware yet.
So in conclusion, I don’t know if ‘backwards’ is entirely the right word.
Mark Dallas, Professor,Political Science & Asian Studies,Union College NY
There is no universally agreed definition of “backward” and in the social sciences, it is a word that is no longer used.
The reason it is no longer used is that it implicitly assumes that human history is unilinear and moves “forward” or “backward.”
But, even if you want to think of history as unilinear in some way (which I do not recommend), it is still best to first define what an “advanced” country is. Are you referring to certain VALUES? Or, certain INSTITUTIONS? Or, just money and technology?
One can certainly construct a unilinear continuum and then judge countries along that continuum, but you will run into many contradictions quickly.
For instance, the US has been very advanced in the field of nuclear weaponry in terms of technology and military might, but we also are the only country to use a nuclear weapon — twice on Japan, and in a way which I think could have been executed more humanely. See my answer on this question here: Mark Dallas’ answer to Is there a reason why nuclear bombs were only used on Japan and not on Germany?. (FYI, as I argue there, Germany had already surrendered when the bomb was deployable, but I argue that it would have been plausible and more humane for the US to have deployed a “demonstration” bomb on Japan first).
But, as for this question, in which way do you mean more “advanced”?
Orly Seagull, Innovation Facilitator & VP Digital Marketing (2005-present)
In many aspects, China is already leading the pack.
For example …
Shared Biking is a new hype Chinese cities.
In Shanghai only, there are around 1.5 million shared bikes.
The service is extremely cheap, environmental friendly and healthy.
All around China there are estimated to be over 20 million rides a day with shared bikes.
George Foss, Renaissance Man, a Jack of All Trades. at Company and Organization Are Mutually Exclusive Terms.
Define backward country.
Currently, China has the ability to launch astronauts into outer space. The US has the technology and resources, however conservative politicians are more interested the commercialization of outer space rather than the exploration.
China launched and landed a Robotic Lunar Landing including a lunar rover on December 14, 2013. China plans a manned mission to the moon circa 2020. The US scaled back it’s space program at the height of Apollo program almost a half century ago.
China developed an Atomic Bomb without help from the Soviet Union, and during a period of animosity and distrust of the USSR and the USA developed a Hydrogen Bomb within a very short time (shorter time period compared to the USSR or the USA) after wards.
Forbe’s magazine estimates China’s economy will surpass the US as early as 2018.
China does have areas of poverty, however so does its rival the US.
China has a higher infant mortality rate per 1000 births than the US, but China has a significantly higher population. The US by comparison has a higher infant mortality rate than Bosnia and Herzegovina, Faroe Islands, Guam, South Korea, and a number of other countries New Caledonia, Northern Mariana Islands, Slovakia, Cuba, Slovenia, and Belarus.
Bill Reich, former Retired Textook Marketer (2000-2016)
Not at all. Han civilization goes back to long before any Europeans knew how to read and write. It is a very old civilization and not at all backward. The written form of the language is very complex but many people are literate. Quite a few people are bilingual as the various dialects are distinct languages that happen to have a flag and a government and a written system to unite them. Many people know Mandarin plus their local language. In addition, many people know English and/or Korean and/or Japanese. Industry and agriculture are both highly developed. Their culinary system is widely enjoyed and has influenced many other cuisines. Most outsiders don’t appreciate their music all that much, I certainly don’t, but it is highly developed and complex.
There are areas of extreme poverty, by US standards, and remote, isolated areas that are cut off by geography but calling China backward is remarkably obtuse.
Christopher Sloane, U.S. Army, Military Tech, Firearm Nerd.
Depends on what exactly you are looking for.
If you require stats on the nation you will find China doing well in several categories as pointed out by others in previous posts. However if you are looking into the real China and want to see street level life and typical “goings on” I suggest three you tube channels to assist you with that answer.
Sean McDirmid, lived in Beijing, China (2007-2016)
I really wonder if all these simplistic “does china suck” questions are strawmen meant to be knocked down to show how biased the west is, even though no one significant is making those claims, or an opportunity to present a what aboutism, which is doubly pointless given that the question is a straw man anyways.
No, China is not really backwards. No country really is. But then China definitely has its problems, and if you visit China, you might run into some of those. Is China weird? Most definitely, it isn’t a developed country, don’t expect Beijing to be as nice as Tokyo or even Bangkok despite its fancy sky scrapers (Shanghai is better).
Robert Curry, studied at U.S. Marine Corps
It really depends on your definition of backward , now doesn’t it ? If you mean technologically advanced then in some areas perhaps so. All countries have parts that meet that criteria, including the United states.I think there is far more to being an advanced country. Perhaps if you look at the happiness quotient and to what levels the population of any country aspire; you might find many countries who are more advanced then the technologically advance countries. Many countries do not want all the technology that is available .I think you need to redefine you question
JF D, Bachelor Computer Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2016)
Absolutely not.
China is a developing country. It is true that China is behind other countries, like America, Britain etc. But China is developing its economy and other aspects in an extremely high speed.
Frank Halavy, Engineer, UCLA, still learning
Relatively speaking, yes.
China may look nice on the surface. But the society as a whole is backward. They are not innovators


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