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发表于 2019-12-4 00:55:35 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

1、Jon Harbaugh
There are many reasons that China has seemingly developed much faster than India, but some of the key reasons are:
Land reformation - China has undergone it’s revolutions already, and as a result has a strong, single party government that is able to relocate people in order to make infrastructure improvements that will benefit the entire countries economy.
Education - China takes education very seriously, many of their students will be in school for over 10 hours a day starting at a young age, and will do homework or extra-curricular activities after that. Their colleges are very competitive.

Investment - China has not only invested in itself and expanded manufacturing capabilities, it has invested heavily in other parts of the world, mainly Africa. This has allowed China access to more resources and markets than it otherwise might have had.
2、Sumit Choudhary
The sole reason behind China’s rapid development is Political stability and strong political will. Post 1970s groomed politicians of China took autocratic steps to revive the economy. They opened SEZ (Special Economic Zone) and invited the industries throughout world to open their production base there and gave them many incentives like cheap electricity, water, land and supporting Labour Laws.Their pro-industrial attitude brought them the fruits of success in rising economy. Once infrastructure and vendor companies were there, there was no choice left for other big MNCs to bypass china. Even biggest mobile company Apple have their prodction base in China.
3、David Ellsworth
It looks clear to me why China develops so quickly, but it is usually beyond the comprehension of people who believe that multiple party systems are the only valid form of democracy.
Contrary to this system of social awareness the so called multiparty forms of government dwell continuously on divisive purposes and can never reach agreement. They have no institutions for common agreement. The political ideological conflict has become so big a part of social life that even law and order has become impossible to trust.
The western style democracies have become so immersed in conflict that peace and security is neigh impossible, let alone the development of social needs. Such countries appear to be wealthy but the facts of lawlessness, drug addiction and poverty are hidden behind the media images of success.

China is having a lot of difficulty trying to avoid drowning in these illusions but so far is having pretty good success.
India on the other hand has never overcome the cast system that adds a layer of divisiveness to the system of party conflict. It is unlikely the country can agree to development plans on the scale of time and social unity required for such success.
Internal disturbance - India is a multi diverse country it faced many challenges in consolidation and amalgamation of different communities within it after independence. This was not the case with china.
Hostile neighbour - India was struggling with Pakistan from Eastern as well as western front. Frequent war and insurgency hampered the growth of India.

Strict implementation of policy - Indian bureaucracy was based on British line. It was corrupt and less sensitive towards the need of the people where as in china communist government had full control over the administration and its people.
Change in economic policy with time - both the countries were closed economies in the initial phase. Later both the countries opened their economies . India opened its economy in 1991. China also liberalised in a gradual manner . Though china had a strong manufacturing base it able to reap the benefits of fulfilling the demands of developed countries . It earned huge foreign income from trade of goods to foreign countries.
Investment in research and development - china invested lots of money in the R&D where as India failed to do so. Technological innovation helped china a lot in its development.
5、Kedar Zambre
China a country which is currently holding the first place in terms of population. One of the biggest superpower was once a nation fighting woes with severe poverty. The chinese empire was home to the largest under poverty population. During the 1980’s China had 88% of it’s total population under the international poverty line of 1.9 $ per day earning, as specified by World Bank.China fought in unbelievable way to overcome such severe poverty & bringing it down to just 6.5 % in 2011–12.

Number of poor fell from 878 millions to just 87 millions during 1981 to 2012. Thus, China''s success is even larger than previously thought. In the past 30 years, the 790 million drop in the number of poor in China accounts for over 70 percent of the total reduction in the developing world as a whole, indeed a truly remarkable achievement.
Few stats about China、second largest economy、Produces 25% of electricity in world、No.1 in hydroelectricity production、Produces 50% of coal、Produces 48% of Smartphones、produces 50% of steel、produces 60 % of cement、produces 13 % of gold (no.1 in world)、70% of toys (again no.1)、Carries 40 % share in ship building...

What made China make such a tremendous stride in all those sectors???And we all know where India stands in most of these sectors . What makes such a huge difference to the development of these two countries???
Within this span Chinese government developed one of the best infrastructures in the world. They provided fastest highways & railways within thier country. Thier education system focused more on developing skills of students.The GDP per capita income of china has risen over this period. They reached a level of 7.5 lakh per person per annum ,which is about 5.5 times that of India.These things attracted the global companies to set up thier plants in China. That ultimately led to poverty eradication in China.
Whereas in India, the government failed on a higher note to provide the required infrastructure to the multinational giants except in few fields. The situation is slowly changing in last 20 years. The highways and railways are still awaiting plenty more developments.The Indian education system focused more on cresting clerks and somehow handing out people degrees .Though India is one of the youngest nation in the world, it lacks in skilled labour. China has about 780 million of skilled labour readliy available for companies to be hired up.

Who is responsible for this situation of India ? Obviously the Congress driven UPA government as they ruled the country for more than 60 years since independence. India has lagged behind many countries in Human Capital Formation. China is just an example. Countries with lesser Human Capital are also much ahead than India.
But still there is hope . Who knows if India could make similar stride like China in coming decade…
7、Adarsh Tiwari
In china is more Manufacturing company greater than india. China have advanced technology.
Some leading corporate leaders from Asia debated on this at a conference recently held at the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad.
The emerging markets of Asia hold the promise for the world''s corporation. India and China are the two key markets in Asia.
While India''s corporate leaders agree that this could be true, they are emphatic that India''s vibrant democracy is the only way for the country to ensure that growth and development reaches all.

China''s leadership has always focused on investment in models and showcases. All this has helped canalize foreign direct investment into the country and helped create local economic development.
"Every businessperson of any size anywhere in the world knows what the number 1.3 billion means: China''s big market. How many know the population of India?

Chinese leaders discarded their Mao suits immediately and put on coats and ties, talked the language of commerce, organised thousands of delegations, hosted endless conferences and exhibitions, and laboured to convince foreign investors that China was pro-business, stable, and committed to reform and an open-door policy," suggests Dewoskin.
In contrast, India''s corporate leaders agree that the country''s politicians have never sold the country.

China has created many flexible investment zones, export processing zones, free trade zones, high tech zones, complete with tax incentives and good infrastructure.
India has tried to replicate this with its creation of export processing zones and software technology parks.But the difference lies in some key areas like creation of infrastructure and quick approval of investment proposals.
"China always set aside political, social, and ideological differences in the interest of getting investment, technology, and export channels" .But India is not so, they always mix a lot of other emotions in business!
The shelves of giant store chains like Wal-Mart are testimony to the fact that msot of the low-cost products today are made in China because it offers the cheapest source of manufacturing.
In electronics and hardware, China is the manufacturing hub for companies like Siemens and Hitachi Global Systems.

China''s success in manufacturing has attracted companies from other sectors too. Michelin, the world''s biggest car tyre manufacturer, plans to make its Chinese operations its biggest global manufacturing base.

The strong manufacturing base means that China is able to offer employment to a larger section of its population, compared to India which has shown growth predominantly in the services segment.
China is very fast and efficient in the redirection of resources into higher education, economics, management, computer science, electronic and biotech engineering
It has a permissive and supportive policy to study abroad, coupled with an aggressive marketing and incentive programme to bring stronger graduates back。
In contrast, India has yet to counter the problem of brain drain or promote itself as a destination for entrepreneurs who want to set up companies.
Yes, our government has done little to promote the development of our country, which may be the fundamental reason why we lag behind China!



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