2。 二维码 For much of China, the QR code — a type of barcode — is the key that unlocks the digital world。 A swipe of the matrix with a mobile device lets a user hire a bike, pay for goods and grab a new contact’s details。 对于中国大多数地区,二维码(条形码的一种)是解锁数字世界的钥匙。用户用移动设备扫一扫这个矩形图案,就可以使用共享单车、为商品付款以及获取新联系人的信息。 Companies in the US, where the QR code was dismissed in 2013, now seem to be changing their view。 Snapchat picked up the idea in 2015, allowing users to follow one another as easily as their WeChat peers by scanning each others’ QR codes, and proceeded to facilitate their use to access websites。 二维码2013年在美国没有引起重视,如今美国企业似乎正在转变观点。Snapchat于2015年采纳了这个想法,允许用户通过扫描其他人的二维码来关注对方(就像微信中一样方便),并进而利用二维码为用户访问网站提供便利。 “扫一扫”的确太好用了。尤其是你去小馆子吃饭,碰上人家搞“扫一扫送饮料”之类的活动时,那感觉仿佛白捡了一个亿啊! 3。 社交媒体的“公众号” It is how government, celebrities and businesses connect with customers in the Chinese social media space and post information or news。 WeChat has more than 20m ‘official accounts’, according to industry estimates。 在中国,政府、名人以及企业与社交媒体中的客户建立联系、发布信息或新闻的方式就是通过微信。根据业内估计,微信如今拥有超过2000万个“公众号”。 WhatsApp is now jumping on that bandwagon, following in the footsteps of WeChat。 This app has begun offering ‘verified profile’ accounts。 WhatsApp如今正准备追逐这股浪潮,沿着微信留下的脚印前进。这款应用也开始提供“认证”账户。 “公众号”的发明,把微信从一个单纯的聊天工具变成了一个综合信息接收站,用户黏性大大提升啊~ 4。 零售 The world drew a collective gasp when Amazon splashed out $13.7bn in June to buy Whole Foods, bringing its cut-throat online competition to the bricks-and-mortar world of artisanal breads and organic kale。 But Chinese rivals were ahead of the game。 今年6月,当亚马逊斥资137亿美元收购全食、把它残酷无情的线上竞争带到售卖手工面包和有机甘蓝的实体店时,整个世界倒吸了一口气。但中国竞争对手已在更早的时候加入了这场竞赛。 Ecommerce giant Alibaba snapped up stakes in domestic supermarket group Lianhua in May and before that, in department store Intime。 JD.com, which operates a similar asset-heavy model to Amazon, has outlined plans for a massive bricks and mortar presence。 电商巨头阿里巴巴于5月入股中国国内超市集团联华,在那之前还入股了百货商场运营商银泰(Intime)。采用与亚马逊类似的重资产运营模式的京东(JD.com),已经制定了大规模涉足实体店的计划。 上面的这个翻译比较拗口,它大致意思就是:某宝某东和线下实体店合作,搞O2O,于是亚马逊也来学它们的啦~ ▲China vs US: who is copying whom? (via Financial Times) 这篇文章刊登之后,也引起了不少外国网友的讨论。 比如在国外版的天涯论坛“Reddit”上,就有几枚吃瓜群众留言感慨道: @Gloriustodorius: Lol they‘ll never admit that they’re copying China though。 啊哈哈哈,他们(美国)是不会承认他们在山寨中国的啦! @ xuankun: For now the bulk of chinese innovation is through business models such as virtual wallets and dockless bikeshare but hopefully soon enough they will start to come up with new tech entirely。 现在中国的许多创新都成为商业范本了啊!比方说移动支付啦,无桩共享单车啦……期待不久之后,他们就会在新科技领域一统江湖了! @ datman2345: Doesn‘t matter, engineers and scientists in the US are all Chinese anyway 淡定吧,你看美国的工程师科学家还都是华裔呢! @ lusafatte: I‘m always amazed by how people are being so salty when talking about China > USA。 Well I guess they still need some time to adjust to the new reality。 我就奇了怪了,为啥一说起中国优于美国时,某些人就在那酸个什么劲啊!好吧,看来他们一时半会还接受不了这个新的现实。 此外,《华尔街日报》6月的一篇报道也表示,嘿你们不是觉得苹果公司是创新中的战斗机吗! 有没有觉得,苹果最近在iMessage里搞的支付功能迷之眼熟呢! Apple Inc。 recently added payment services to its iMessage chat service, taking a page from Tencent‘s playbook, Ms。 Chan said。 “I love this reversal of what ‘China copycat’ can mean,” she said。 “It no longer just means a Chinese company copying the States, it can mean a U.S。 company copying China。” ▲U.S。 Tech Companies Now Copycats of Chinese Peers, Andreessen Horowitz Partner Says (via Wall Street Journal) ▲iMessage增加了支付功能和表情包……是不是看起来迷之亲切 说到这里,主页君不由想起了一个段子: “老板,结账~” “一共XXX块。” “可以用苹果支付吗?” “看把你能的!用苹果支付?你咋不用猕猴桃支付呢!” 美国该向中国学习啥? 美国华裔学者Ann Lee曾出过一本书,名为“美国能向中国学习什么”。 ▲“What the U.S。 Can Learn from China”