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发表于 2022-1-15 15:19:59 | 显示全部楼层 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



I think you misunderstood. It's not the Chinese people's self righteousness, but the international consensus. Among the four major civilizations (Egypt, Babylon, India and China), China is the only ancient civilization that continues to this day. After thousands of years, it has never been interrupted.
This is a blessing for the world. Egyptian civilization ended thousands of years ago, the cuneiform characters on cultural relics have long been forgotten, and its civilization has long been assimilated by Arab civilization.
Babylon has been invaded and destroyed several times in history, and now it has been lost in the long river of history.
Their language has disappeared, and few written books and books have survived. Only magnificent buildings can give us a glimpse of their style.
Indian civilization is better preserved than the other two civilizations, but it still experienced the colonial rule of Muslims and Britain. The recovery of its history and culture depends on the records of historical books and books handed down from China.
China is very different. Its language and characters have been spread for thousands of years. Although they have been changed several times, square characters, as a variant of hieroglyphics, are easier to inherit and identify.
The language system has never been interrupted, and the track of language evolution is very clear.
Any Chinese with secondary school education or above can read poetry and articles 2500 years ago. If they have learned some calligraphy, there is no problem in identifying inscriptions and even oracle bones 3000 years ago.
More importantly, the theories of Confucianism and Taoism have been handed down from heart to heart, and the education system formed by them has become an important carrier for the continuation of Chinese civilization. These valuable heritages still exist in the daily practice of the Chinese people.
Although China has experienced countless cultural disasters, such as the invasion of Mongolia, the rule of Manchu and Qing Dynasties, the Opium War and the war of aggression against China, they have been assimilated or expelled. Thanks to the resistance of the Chinese people and the inclusiveness of culture, the Chinese civilization has not completely disappeared like Egypt and Babylon.
Chinese have reason to be proud of their ancient civilization, which has endured countless hardships and nearly endangered several times, but in the end fortunately, this spirit has been preserved and will never die.


In terms of words, Chinese civilization is the only primitive civilization that continues to this day. All primitive civilizations use hieroglyphics. On the contrary, all civilizations written with letters can not be primitive civilizations, but derived civilizations.
Under the influence of the powerful primitive civilization, the text system of the derived civilization generally borrows the words of the primitive civilization to pronounce, and gradually evolves from hieroglyphs to letters to express and pronounce, and finally turns into letter writing. Katakana and kana in Japanese Chinese characters are like this.
Even with their own characters, the wide use of Chinese characters in Japan still reflects the extent to which the Japanese are influenced by Chinese civilization.
In Korea, the declaration of independence is also written in Chinese characters. Even if Chinese characters are abolished, the Korean constitution cannot get rid of Chinese characters.
In Korean history, Chinese characters were used by aristocrats, and letter writing was only to promote the popularization of civilian education.
From the perspective of tradition and philosophy, Chinese civilization has both ancient and modern characteristics. In other words, Chinese civilization has been the product of its own development from the ancient stone age to the present.
What is Chinese civilization?
When the Buddha thought about life, contemporary Chinese philosophers thought about human nature.
Chinese philosophers use various social relations to define human nature: the relationship between monarch and subjects, the relationship between father and son, the relationship between husband and wife, and the relationship between brothers and friends.
The Marxist exposition that man is the sum of all social relations coincides with this.
Confucianism critically absorbed the thought of aristocrats in the declining stage, put forward the slogan of "education without class", and popularized the education monopolized by aristocrats.
On the other hand, jurists put forward the theory of "everyone is equal before the law". Shang Yang, the representative of Legalists in power, established a hierarchical system based entirely on military achievements rather than blood or wealth.
Later, the first unified dynasty, the Qin Dynasty, was established through war. In other words, more than 2000 years ago, the Chinese people realized the dream of Napoleon and Hitler: to unify the known civilized world.
Since modern times, Chinese revolutionaries with deep legalist thought have destroyed China's landlord class and Western agent: warlords.
Then they replaced the Western agent in China with outstanding talents who received western civilization education. Legalists and Confucianists work together to make China stand up again and compete with the West.
Since then, China has taken on a new look, just like a phoenix reborn from fire. In essence, new China is still the return of Chinese civilization, that is, external Confucianism and internal law.
Therefore, the Chinese people shaped by Chinese civilization are characterized by the blending of ancient, modern, Chinese and foreign: on the surface, they look like aristocrats, gentlemen and elegant, but in the heart, they are ordinary people who strongly pursue equality.
Most modern Chinese still abide by the etiquette of aristocrats before 2000, otherwise they will be considered impolite and ill bred.
That's why you always see Chinese officials serious and dignified in public, because since 2000 years ago, officials have been required to be responsible for every word they say, no matter how ridiculous it is.
Back to the theme: China is the only modern civilization in the world that has evolved from the classical civilization in the stone age to the scientific and technological age through self evolution.
This is why China still retains the aesthetics of the stone age. Now, the Chinese still believe that jade is more valuable than gold.
This is why the eight oldest surnames in China contain female characteristics, which means that the strong traces of matriarchal society still exist on the most important symbols of the Chinese people.


My view is that Chinese civilization is better preserved, among the four ancient civilizations, it may be the most continuous in written history, literature and unity.
As a member of Chinese civilization, it is more a culture than a nation. Ancient China was a melting pot of different Asian nations, so China's gene pool was richer than that of Japanese and Koreans.
There may be thousands of dialects in China, but there is only one dominant written language. Since Qin Shihuang unified Chinese characters, no ancient Chinese character system has been used in parallel. There is a clear inheritance relationship between them, from official script to running script and then to regular script.
Although the term "Chinese nation" did not appear until modern times, the concept of Chinese or Chinese culture has long been handed down from generation to generation. Chinese classical poetry, fables and prose in the Warring States period are still taught in primary and secondary schools in the mainland and Taiwan.
Although well-educated teenagers may not understand classical literature, they can also occasionally create ancient poetry. Children can understand simple ancient Chinese without translation.
People who use simplified Chinese characters and traditional Chinese characters can communicate without obstacles. Because Chinese characters are similar, they can easily recognize the strokes in traditional Chinese characters as simplified Chinese characters.
But can Latin do that? Can children learn ancient Greek fables? Do ordinary people still understand or write Latin poetry?
Chinese written history and literature are better preserved because Chinese characters happen to be a powerful written language, not because of the superiority of race. After all, it is not the simplest language in logic.
It is the only surviving hieroglyphic language system. Each character has its own meaning. Using the same words can create a new language system.
In Contemporary Chinese, most new words are created according to the meaning of Chinese characters, although some are foreign words directly corresponding to the pronunciation of English or Japanese.
At the political level, after the collapse of the Han / Tang Empire, many small kingdoms throughout the continent still use the same written language. In contrast, after the collapse of the Roman Empire, people who spoke different dialects turned Latin into different languages, such as English, Sanskrit, Spanish, Italian, German and so on.
The advantage of this is that you have the opportunity to create a new and dynamic culture. The disadvantage is that past cultural achievements can easily be buried. People who once belonged to the same empire are separated because of language variation.
Our culture once spread widely in East Asia. The most important reason is that China was once the richest and most advanced civilization in East Asia.
Although some ethnic minorities have been forcibly assimilated by the ruling forces, in such an environment, nomads have no choice but to learn to manage or trade.
We are proud that even a teenager can resonate with ancient Chinese poets who lived thousands of years ago, write ancient poetry and understand the thoughts of ancient philosophers.
This does not mean that we still adhere to the ancient philosophy, but we have benefited a lot from it. Our written language continues to develop and social norms continue to evolve, which gives us extremely strong confidence in the difficult process of realizing modernization.


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Rank: 8Rank: 8

 楼主| 发表于 2022-1-15 15:20:42 | 显示全部楼层




I think the problem can only be established by changing the positions of the two countries, It is ironic to compare a regressive third world country with backward infrastructure, high unemployment rate, one third of the population living in extreme poverty and single digit economic growth rate with a rapidly developing China.
China is a modern country founded and built by visionary leaders, and its development speed exceeds that of any major economy in modern history.
China is a realist, pragmatic and innovative, while India is a delusion, living in a dream woven by politicians and the media. India has never engaged in any breakthrough and revolutionary cause, only fabricating and boasting.
Apart from macroeconomic factors, the Indian authorities are also good at tricking, often playing word games, using the economic growth rate to take credit at home and become famous internationally.
Even with the highest growth rate of 8%, India will only increase by US $240 billion a year, while China's moderate growth rate of 6% can increase GDP by 6% (based on US $15 trillion), up to US $900 billion a year. Even with the exceptionally high growth rate of 3%, the United States will only increase by US $620 billion. There is no doubt that China and the United States are the engine and locomotive of world economic development.
This is not to say that the growth rate is meaningless. An important prerequisite for assessing a country's economic development and quality is that the country's GDP base cannot be ignored. As long as this gap remains, India will not be able to catch up, and the gap will only grow over time.
China has maintained double-digit GDP growth for decades after the reform and opening up and market liberalization. On the other hand, India's efforts to maintain single-digit positive growth have been very difficult. Even if China suddenly stops growth, India will need 15 years to surpass China at an average growth rate of 12%, which is basically impossible for India's current economic development.
Exports - China has not lost the battle with the United States in trade, but exports to the United States have increased against the trend under the ban. Now it has surpassed the United States as the world's largest exporter, and its high-end electronic products, telecommunications equipment and high-tech products are popular all over the world.
India's main export market position is losing to countries such as Bangladesh and Vietnam - their exports have surpassed India.
Industrialization - the scale of China's industrialization is beyond the imagination of ordinary Indians. China's steel and cement output exceeds the sum of the five countries behind it. With the support of a large amount of steel and cement, you can imagine the level of infrastructure development there.
Although India is in third place, its output is much lower, although its population is the same and its demand for infrastructure is the same.
China's military strength is already the second largest military power after the United States. Although its nuclear arsenal is far less than that of Russia, its conventional weapons and military expenditure are much higher than that of Russia, which will be embarrassing compared with India.
Research investment - China has invested a lot of money in economic system reform and modernization research. It is in a leading position in the world in the fields of telecommunications and artificial intelligence. The competition for the dominance of artificial intelligence will be launched between the United States and China, while India is far away if it wants to compete with it.
China's investment in scientific research is almost equal to that of major western countries, while India wastes too many resources in religion and so-called spiritual culture.
Infrastructure - the United States has the largest flight coverage in the world and good connectivity throughout the country; China has the densest high-speed railway network in the world and is rapidly catching up with the United States in air transportation. India has neither. Its infrastructure is the worst of all major economies.
In the United States, small towns with a resident population of less than 25000 have special airports to provide travel services. On the other hand, India has a large population, and there are even no airports of sufficient scale in big cities such as Mumbai.
In China, you can take the high-speed rail from Beijing to Shanghai in less than 6 hours, with a mileage of 1500 kilometers. Mumbai Delhi has no such developed transportation route, which is very shameful.
Telecommunications - so far, China and the West have achieved 5g coverage, but India's network does not seem to exist. The next competition for telecommunications hegemony is still between China and the United States, and India can only wait and see.
Core technology - China has initially mastered the aircraft engine manufacturing technology, has a powerful national defense armament manufacturer, and produces cutting-edge fighters, frigates and aircraft carriers.
India is 10-15 years behind China and the United States. COMAC is moving forward to challenge the duopoly of Airbus Boeing. I don't see Indian companies in this field.
Foreign direct investment and new energy - China is still the second largest beneficiary of foreign investment, and India has not entered the top five. A few years ago, Tesla chose China instead of India for its overseas debut. There is a reason: China focuses on the vast power grid covering the whole country. They also have rich infrastructure and can build charging stations in the whole city.
India's cities are overcrowded and the poor have no place to live. India's power grid cannot meet the power needs of most households. On the other hand, China has overproduction. In most parts of India, including metropolis, power failure is still the norm, and stable power supply is a distant dream.
Disaster management - ways and means of responding to epidemics is a good indicator of its capacity. In the face of the same population, facing the sudden virus, China not only avoided the collapse of its medical system, but also successfully tracked and checked the spread of New Coronavirus.
India, on the contrary, has failed to protect its citizens through mismanagement, complacency and abdication of responsibility. Population size is not an excuse. In this country, people always talk about how to compete with China, but from their current situation, it is obvious that they can't.
Social progress - China has always been progressive. It banned the backward practice of arranged marriage since the 1900s, which India is actively encouraging. Most Chinese are atheists, but in India, loyalty to religion is above all else.
A country can make rapid progress only under the condition of broader social consensus. This change and trend has never and will never happen in India.
India is full of supranationalists dissatisfied with culture and religion. Politicians use this weakness to cater to their voting orientation, use populist and religious rhetoric to retain power, and ignore any national and urgent development.
China is now becoming a strong competitor to the United States. It is the only country in the West and the world that is regarded as a potential superpower together with the United States. Beijing is rapidly surpassing Washington in key areas, while India is not even close to half of China. Everyone knows this except India.
What is our current direction? I have lived in India for about 40 years. I have lived in China for more than two years since 1996. Today's India is the same as China in 1979, but in India, we still have no helmsman in charge of the compass.
China's development is so successful because it focuses on more people, not fewer rich people. In India, the government and parliament still pay more attention to the latter.
On the day when the life of Indian farmers began to improve, people who had to travel like animals began to get better and better on the crowded local trains in Mumbai, and Indians of different castes began to care for each other, Instead of pretending that we are superior to other Indians (I mean Hyderabad police station and tranghana government officials) - I would say that day that we might catch up with China.
Just search the skyline of Chinese cities on Google to see what Shanghai, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Chengdu and Xiamen look like. This is considered a "normal level" in more than 100 cities in China, and no city in India can match it.
Look at their roads and public transport construction, as well as their public schools. This is the real meaning of development, not limited to launching rockets, missiles, stock exchanges, GDP and hundreds of super rich people in the two countries.
Every day I spend in China is very comfortable. Whenever I thank them for everything they have done, I can't help saying to myself, "I hope my country is the same, because I know that my people deserve to do so and have the ability to do so. I hope that one day my people will feel that they deserve better treatment - the people here, including those who are not in the eyes of the Indian government."


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